Episode 13: Anna Lee Ingalls

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Synopsis: Meet Anna Lee Ingalls. Amongst many things, she is the mother of our host Fr. Victor Ingalls. Hear how she was raised Protestant in Maryland and how she came to the Catholic faith once married with children. Also, hear her perspective on her son’s calling to the priesthood—seems like she was clued in before him. Listen as she shares what the Priesthood means to her now.

Dig In Further:

Have you ever been aware that the Lord was doing something in someone’s life before they were? When? How did you know?

Why do you think the Lord gives us clarity about each other’s lives that he doesn’t always give directly to us? How might we be called to help form one another?

How is the Lord calling you to go deeper in your faith? To trust God more with the direction of your life?


Episode 14: Fr. Victor Ingalls


Episode 12: Ryan Dardard