Season 4
Serving the Poor in Our Midst

Episode 14: Addressing Our Greatest Poverty
As we close Season 4, we address, without debate, the greatest poverty present on our Native Soil—a need for Jesus Christ. How may he be better known, loved, worshipped and feasted upon here on our Native Soil?

Episode 13: Fr. Andrew Jones & St. Jude Parish
Meet Fr. Jones. A Virginia native. A Convert. A Priest. And now pastor of historic St. Jude in Montgomery. We have looked at St. Jude’s history in past episodes. Now, along with their pastor, let’s take a look at where St. Jude is today and where they feel called to be moving forward.

Episode 12: Fr. Fred Boni & Evangelizing the Unchurched
Meet Fr. Fred Boni. Daphne native. Grew up at Christ the King parish and school. Attended McGill-Toolen and then Spring Hill College. Was on the cusp of entering medical school and felt called to enter the seminary. Now pastor at St. Catherine of Sienna in mid-town Mobile. Listen in to Fr. Boni’s heart for the unchurched and the creative ways he is employing to try to bring renewal to his very diverse parish.

Episode 11: The Poverty of Silence
Today we tackle perhaps the most pervasive types of poverty in our age—silence. Between our smartphones, TVs, Alexas and Siris, it is rare for us to left with a moment of silence. What is the importance of have silence in our lives? What can we do here on our Native Soil to preserve it for us and for others?

Episode 10: Phyllis Beam & Catholic Social Services
Meet Phyllis Beam. Director of Catholic Social Services branch in Robertsdale. Hear how she got involved in this ministry and how she has seen the Lord work through it. Also hear how she helped Austin discern a first step in responding to his sense of call to serve the poor.

Episode 9: Austin Gontarski & Feeding the Poor
“Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). See this verse lived out in a special way today in Austin Gontarski. Grew up in Loxley. Attends St. Patrick’s Parish in Robertsdale. Went to St. Patrick’s School all the way through and now attends St. Michael’s in Fairhope. Learning about the poor from Sr. Margaret, Fr. Jim Morrison and company at St. Patrick’s, Austin felt called to do something. Listen in and see where this call took him…

Episode 8: The Poverty of Fatherhood
Today we look at the role of “fathers” in our lives. There is a real crisis today of fathers not being “present” and “engaged” in their children’s lives. With the help of spiritual writer Fr. Jaque Philippe, we seek to understand the effect of this poverty of “fatherhood” today. We consider, how can fatherhood be strengthened and renewed here on our Native Soil.

Episode 7: Anthony Tobin & Vagabond Missions
Meet Anthony Tobin. Originally from New York state. Hear how a compelling youth minister came into his life and changed the course of everything. Be amazed at how the Lord invited Anthony and his family to move to our Native Soil. Walk with him through his several years as a youth minister and into this new season of his life leading Vagabond Missions in Mobile. We met his counterpart in this ministry Lauren Alley last season. See how the Lord brought these two together for this mission to the spiritually poor youth of Mobile.

Episode 6: Jim Backes & Prison Ministry
Meet Jim Backes. A Mobile native. McGill grad. Notre Dame alum. And long time engineer with Hargrove. Listen to see how the Lord called him into prison ministry. It was a surprise to him and those involved with the ministry. Marvel at the mutual impact the Lord has wrought on both Jim and those he serves. See how this also has led him to be involved with Ransom Ministries—a non-profit in Mobile inspired very much by the example of Fr. Greg Boyle from our previous episode.

Episode 5: Tattoos on the Heart
Today, Fr. Victor introduces us to one of his favorite books—Tattoos on the Heart by Greg Boyle, SJ. In this memoir, Fr. Boyle shares the spiritual lessons the Lord has taught him in serving for 20+ years in LA, in the most densely gang-populated area in the world. A location in our Archdiocese gets a shout out in the book! The concrete examples of compassion from this book give us much to consider here on our Native Soil.

Episode 4: Michelle Schultz Serving AU Student-Moms
Meet Michelle Schultz. Wife. Mother of 6. Convert to the Catholic faith. Long time youth minister. Recently started a non-profit to serve pregnant students at Auburn University called Baby Steps. As someone who once had an abortion in a moment of fear and anxiety facing her future, marvel at how the Lord has brought her healing and inspired her to give other women facing the same fears the support they need to make a different decision.

Episode 3: St. Damien of Molokai
We choose some saints. Other saints choose us. Listen how St. Damien of Molokai chose Fr. Victor. Be inspired by Fr. Damien’s heroic life—serving the lepers who were quarantined on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. Be challenged to consider who are the “lepers” in our midst today? How are we being called to love them?

Episode 2: Sr. Cecilia LSP & The Elderly Poor
Meet Sr. Cecelia. A Little Sister of the Poor who serves Christ in our elderly poor in Mobile. Learn how she heard this calling. Understand about the founding of the Little Sisters in France so many years ago. Be challenged to consider where Christ is waiting to be served by you.

Episode 1: Who is My Neighbor?
“And who is my neighbor?” This question prompted Jesus to tell the parable of the Good Samaritan. Join us this season as we contemplate this parable and what it means to us here on our Native Soil. Why does the Lord have a preferential love for the poor—the orphan, the widow, the alien, the imprisoned? What would it look like if we did? What if we more fully let the poor determine the priorities of our family, our parish and our Archdiocese?