Episode 14: Let The Children Come to Me

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To wrap up this season on Youth Ministry, Fr. Victor shows how “youth ministry” is not a modern reality but something that goes all the way back to the heart of Jesus Christ himself. Jesus saw how vulnerable and formative our youth are and was very serious about caring for them and protecting them from sin. Fr. Victor shows how Jesus’s heart for the youth has lived on in the lives of the saints over the years—St. Benedict, St. John Bosco, Servant of God Luigi Giussani & Blessed Carlo Acutis.

Dig in Further:

1. How can you and your parish take on the heart of Jesus in relation to our youth? To rally the whole village…the whole parish community to protect them, guide them and form them in the life of Jesus Christ?

2. How can disciple our young people in such a way that they are equipped to disciple their own friends and family? How can the youth be encouraged to use their creativity, energy and innovative spirit to bring the Gospel to the world in new and exciting ways (like Bl. Carlo Acutis)?

3. How can Christ be the CENTER of every environment we create for our young people—home, school, parish, neighborhood, etc. How can we plant Christ deep into their young hearts? How can we make fruitful the “soil of the hearts” of our youth “for the accomplishment of His work in the world, which is the victory over death and evil?”


Episode 13: Joy Lang