Alabama the Beautiful
Fr. Victor shares his favorite memory from a backwoods town in Alabama. Listen to a close encounter Fr. Victor had with God during his last summer before

Episode 15: From Poland to Alabama
Today Native Soil welcomes its first guest—Fr. Norbert Jurek! Fr. Norbert shares how he felt the calling to be a

Episode 14: Sanctifying Our Soil
There are certain places on earth that are “holy.” God has touched these places in a special way

Episode 5: We Belong Together
An experience I had with my mother, while I was in seminary, changed how I saw those around me.

Episode 4: Saints
We know the saints by the place that they're from or where they served the people of God. So too, God is calling you to be a saint, in your native place.

Episode 3: Use What You've Got
While everyone else might have been asleep, or scrolling on their phones…

Episode 1: The Roots
Hey ya’ll! Where’d this whole thing come from? Let’s “dig in” and see.