Whispers. June 21. 2020

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Snyopsis: Whispers. They can be incredibly good or incredibly bad. They can be the cause of communion or division. How are we as a Church called to hear one another’s “Whispers?” Particularly today, how can we invite our black brothers and sisters to share confide in us…to share their truth with us…that is to share their “whispers” with us? Having heard their whispers, we are called by Jesus to proclaim this truth from the “housetops” and love our neighbor in light of this truth. 

Dig In Further: 

Who is a black brother or sister in your life that you can invite to share their “whispers?” How can you avoid the temptation the judge, condemn, interrogate or lecture and instead be a good listener? Having heard your neighbor’s truth, how might God be calling you to proclaim it from the “housetops?”

How do you regularly use “whispers” in your own life? To bring about communion or division?


Welcoming in God’s Name


Are We Agents of Communion?