Episode 21: Young Life

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Young Life is a national non-denominational ministry aimed at evangelizing the unchurched and getting them plugged into local church communities. Today Fr. Victor shares how this ministry's template helped to “raise the bar” of expectation, evangelization and vision for the Youth Group at St. Michael’s in Auburn, AL. 

Dig In Further:

Have you ever seen a program in a non-Catholic Church that struck you as creative, effective and/or Spirit-filled? If so, ask God if perhaps he is calling you to study that program and see how it’s template may serve to bring about new life in your parish. 

How valuable are the young people in your parish? What are you willing to do to make sure they know they are loved and that they come into lifelong friendship with Jesus Christ and his Church?

Does your parish have a Youth Group? If not, how can your parish work together to begin this important ministry? If yes, can it be more inclusive and effective? How can you study what is working in other Catholic parishes, non-Catholic churches and other youth ministry efforts to enhance this ministry at your parish?

How might you be called to “Win the Right to be Heard” by the young people in your life? Are there any young people in particular God might be calling you to serve?


Episode 20: Canopy of Prayer