Episode 20: Canopy of Prayer

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The Holy Spirit knows what we need way better and way beyond what we could ever understand on our own. Listen to this story of how the Holy Spirit put a prayer in the heart of Fr. Victor which revealed itself to be the answer to a prayer of a group based in Mobile he had never even heard of! Marvel at how the Holy Spirit, in these trying times of pandemic, brought together people of many different faiths along with people of good will to pray for the healing of our Hearts and Home. 

Dig in Further:

How can God use this trying time of pandemic to bring healing to our Hearts? What are the things for which you need to repent for that healing to begin? What are things for which we need to repent as a society to welcome God’s healing?

How can we come together as brothers and sisters here on our Native Soil to pray with one heart and mind, imploring the Lord to heal our Hearts and our Home? Our Families and Our Land (2 Chronicles 7:14-15)?

How can we make sure that there is a “Canopy of Prayer” covering each city that we live in? Each neighborhood? Each family? 

As people of faith, are we ready to take spiritual responsibility for our Native Soil? To dedicate our selves to covering it in prayer and working diligently to till the soil, plant seeds and see to it that it is fertilized? In other words, are we willing to daily seek what we can do to tend to the needs of our neighbors?


Episode 21: Young Life


Episode 19: How God Used Protestants to Call Me to be a Catholic Priest!